
Pure Actions for Photographers

A blog of pure awesomeness

How to Find Lost Lightroom Panel

How to Find Lost Lightroom Panel

Every few weeks we get a frantic email scrambling for help, because Lightroom has eaten a critical editing panel and a Pure friend is needing our help to restore their Lightroom to it's more usable state and help them find their lost panel.  Often (I am not sure why) the main panel that goes missing is the vital Basic panel with the main sliders for Exposure, Contrast, etc.  You can imagine how concerned people are when this happens.

I created a video to walk our users through how to restore lost Lightroom panels, in case this ever happens to you.  There are a lot of tips in the short video, but if you need to get going quickly and don't have time for a video, the basics of restoring panels is to right click on any of your panel names (Basic, Tone Curve, etc.) and you'll bring up a list of all possible panels available and check marks for which ones are currently visible.  You can hide panels by unchecking unwanted or unused panels, and checking important panels that have accidentally gotten hidden or lost somehow.  

If there are panels you don't use often, hiding those panels can help speed your workflow by decreasing the amount of time you spend scrolling through the panels, so even if you decide to do the opposite of this blog post, you can customize your workspace and save time.  

Check out the video for more tips and tricks to customize your Lightroom interface and find those lost panels!

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